Tuesday, December 27, 2011


There are 2 types of people in a ring with lions

1) Those eaten by lions
2) Those taming lions

Lions are dangerous creatures. They are primal and brutal, swift and fierce, and unless tamed, they give you two options: kill or be killed.Their fur can be stained red with the blood of their prey and why? Because fuck you, that's why. They are as majestic in their wild state as they are dangerous. People who become dinner guests of lions are either those who think they are better than the lions or people attempting to avoid them. But no matter whether you are "better" than a lion, you are never better than more than one lion. And you cannot avoid lions in the ring because that is simply choosing to spend the next 3 seconds of your life (all that remains of it) oblivious to the majesty of your situation.

What lion?

When we say a lion has been tamed, it is not that the tamer has removed the wild nature of the beasts but that he has reached an agreement with the beasts. Both sides have recognized the awesome power of the other and learned to live in compromise; both benefiting from the nature of the other by learning to understand each other. The tamer faces the possibility of being torn apart; every day knowing that this may be the day the lions get the better of him and resolving to keep his eyes open and his mind clear. But the thrill of facing the danger every day is worth the scars a thousand times over. To look this menace in the eyes and KNOW it, this is a gift most men will never know.

Except this guy who has balls the size of the moon.

The truth is, we are all in the ring with lions. Every day there are lions circling us, waiting to either eat us alive or rough us up with their affections. These lions are inside our minds, roaming the plains of our souls. They are our insecurities, our fears and our love and we can either tame them or be eaten by them.

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