Friday, January 28, 2011


I try to make a reservation for Travelodge in Terra Haute. The site is down and it's the cheapest. I wait and wait and wait. Finally it comes back up, I click through, put all my info in, submit and it can't process it because the site is undergoing maintenance. You could have told me that prior to filling out my shit.

I wait. Hours later I fill it out all over again and am now greeted by a page simply telling me it has no fucking idea what I want.

I call the hotel's direct number and am told I have to call the main office to put in reservations. I do. The idiot I reach takes all my information and PUTS ME ON HOLD TO CALL THE HOTEL AND MAKE A RESERVATION because they are "upgrading their system".

In the middle of the day? No you aren't. You updated last night, completely fucked it up and are now trying to fix it. them.

After 4.5mins of Pachelbel's Canon in D minor he gets on the phone "I'm sorry Miss....Watson but the hotel is experiencing system issues, as are we here at the main office, so they could not take your reservation."

What? How the fuck could they "not take [my] reservation"? Do they not have a pen and a piece of fucking paper? Can they not write my fucking name on a god damn post-it note and stick it to the door of a non-smoking room with two beds? You know hotels predate computers, right? I'm fairly certain THIS hotel predates computers or at least the days when computers made their entrance into every business. You make me sick.

Pictured here: Indecipherable ancient communication

1 comment:

  1. I want you to order special Post Its that actually say that...just so we can post them EVERYWHERE next weekend... just because.
